MENUE (some links are just silly because i havent created the pages yet)

Hey Y'all

Welcome to Silly Whimsy's site.

Hello, i'm Silly. I'm writitng this in febuary of 2025 and am very new to the indie web. I discovered neocities a few weeksago and have been learning some very basic code. So far im having alot of fun! Exploring other users websites has been fufilling and inspiring. I joined neocities as an escape from instagram and facebook. i HATE having an algerithem feedme crap. and i espcially HATE the constant stream of advertisements. I have been taking a big break from socials and using neocities as a healthier alternitive. I hope to spend alot more time here creating a space to share all my creative endevures i think my brain will thank me as myattention span starts to grow. byeeeeeeee :) -please excuse spelling and grammar (my space bar is broken)

half of my page is copied from my other website i started for my art car (im just using it as a template because im lazy and i think i will have to go to bed before its finished) (oh well)

heres my neocities profile :)